Monday, July 25, 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas

Winter_wedding_dressBet the title got your attention! No, I haven’t lost it yet. I wanted to let you know the holiday story is almost finished and ready to go. I’ve been writing the synopsis, thinking about the query letter, and doing final touch-ups on the story. I can’t wait to see my hero and heroine with a new place to live besides in my laptop in a word document. They’re itching to be set free.

I’ve been looking at ebook publishers. I have one in mind and actually wrote to their guidelines, but I want to make sure to check out other options as well. Funny how publishing guidelines differ between publishers. The formatting is similar, but there can be major differences in some things, so it’s important to pay attention to all guidelines, whether it be formatting or content. One thing you won’t see different is their taboo issues. Absolutely follow those.566204y1phl3iw4j I don’t know anyone who writes that stuff anyway, and I wouldn’t read it.

There’s still the possibility of publishing to Kindle and Smashwords. In that case, it would be up to me to find a book cover. Book covers are so important. Titles are so important. As a matter of fact, I’m trying to ‘holiday’ up my title. When I decided on the title, it actually wrote the book. Really! I had the title then the book. So, it didn’t start in my mind to be a holiday story, but as soon as I sat down to write it, I knew it was going to be. So, here I am, trying to holiday up a title.

Hopefully, I’ll have great news to spread about this book. One way or another, these sexy characters, and the beautiful city it takes place in will find a published home. Till next time, signing off . . .

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's about time for an update since it's been forever since posting last. When you come to a blog written by an erotic romance writer, you expect to find some hot, juicy stories. In time you will, but for now my life is still in transition. Later, after the holding pattern I'm in comes to an end life will be normal again. But for now, please bear with me. In less than three months I hope to be divorced. Till then, it's like I said. I'm in a holding pattern like a jet over LaGuardia Airport.

My alter-ego (I don't know what else to call her) is writing when she can, but sometimes has a hard time sticking with it. Her priority is to finish a contemporary romance she's working on. If you have a pen name, do you sometimes feel like  you have a split personality when you speak from either party? Don't you hate when that happens? That's what it feels like now, because I'm writing this as the "real" writer, but under Jade Rose's name. Confusing to those who don't use pen names, I'm sure, but after all, I'm a writer and I'm used to being in other people's heads, even if they are made up people.But, give me a few minutes and I can get into yours.

I'll get busy as soon as I can to finish my Christmas story and get it out to publishers. When that time comes you can come here and read a heated romance, I promise! Till then, or till whenever . . . Jade

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Resolutions or Goals. Which do You Prefer?

I prefer to make goals instead of resolutions. A goal is – Goal- noun- the aim or object towards which an endeavor is directed. A resolution is – noun-- a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something. As I see it the key word here is firm. A firm decision. Look at determination. You’re determined to do this, whatever it is. But back to a goal. A goal is to aim toward something. I choose to set goals, to have something to aim for. Too many things can get in the way of a resolution. If you set a goal, it’s what you are aiming for.

Goals should be short term. It’s much easier to reach a short term goal. I don’t know about you, but if I think it will take me three months instead of a year, I am more likely to stick with it. When writing, I don’t look towards the end of the book, although1291014zmx2hovlpx that is the GOAL of course. I think of one chapter, one word, one scene at a time. I know I’m going to get to the end of a book, but my goal is to sit and write as much as I can. If I set a goal of 1000 words then I’ll aim for 1000 words, not 80,000 words. Eighty thousand words seems forever to reach, but 1000 words is attainable. No matter what your goal is, make it a short term plan.

If something happens one day that keeps you from your goal then it’s okay. Don't beat yourself over the head. Tomorrow is a new day, and you are close to your goal anyway because you set it to be short term-- reachable. You know it won’t be long before you have met the first phase of it. So, go ahead, set your goals for the New Year. Take it one step, or one day at a time. If you run into a wall one day, then start all over the next day. You can do it; soon you’ll be there. Think about your favorite book. Someone had to take one day at a time, one word, or one chapter. Plan it, think about it, and work at it. Get started!

You can meet your goals—
· Take it slow.
· Be consistent.
· Set short term goals.
· Think positive.
· Start over if you fall.
· Don’t give up.
· Be proud of yourself.
· Reward yourself!

Good Luck!

What is your goal for 2011?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Wishes

In a week's time Christmas 2010 will be past. All our running around, planning, cooking, baking, and wrapping will be over, and then the days of returning will begin. The Holiday's for me are different this year. I live alone now but will be leaving tomorrow to visit family. I'm looking forward to spending time with people I love and who love me, but this year it just doesn't feel the same. This is a time for love, isn't it? I write it, but I don't necessarily live it--anymore. My imagination still lives in a world of love and  for a world filled with love.

What will 2011 bring? This year my life will take on many changes. Retirement from my day job is in my thoughts. Living in an area away from family is getting rough and I find myself homesick quite often. I have work friends and a few close friends I've made in the past six and a half years of being on this side of the state. But, it's not home. I have a safe haven and a good place to live, but it's not home. So, that means it's possible another move will be in my future. I'm tired of moving. I want to go home. See, homesick sneaks out sometimes. After being with family for over a week, I will be rejuvenated and ready to come back and start the new year. And, back to doing what I love--writing.

I wish you all a very happy holiday to celebrate in which ever way your do. Enjoy each day with your family and friends. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November's Chill


I just read my last post. Sounded kind of sad. It was truly hard. Still is sort of. The best part is I signed up for NaNoWriMo just before November 1st and I can proudly say I completed it last night. Yah for me! It's a romance, sensual romance. I'm an erotic romance writer but it's written under my sensual romance name so she wanted to keep it a little lighter. But, the point is, me the person behind both names actually sat down and wrote 50,149 words in less than 30 days. Before you jump all over me I know that it will take tons of editing, like for months or longer. The story isn't complete yet, but I know I will write at it like I did through this whole month.

Yes, it's been a tough month. That's exactly why I challenged myself to sign up to do this personal challenge. I am beginning a new life alone. What do I mean beginning? I've been living alone for over three years, but still shared my house with who used to be my life partner, my spouse. So, leaving only meant I was
living alone for real now. It's easier to live alone on your own than to live in a house with someone and still be alone. So, I knew this first month was going to be difficult in it's own sense and I took on Nano for that reason. It was a pleasant distraction and it got me back to writing. I developed a brand new hero and heroine and a brand new story. At first I couldn't get into the romance part. Sure, write a romance without getting into romance. I found my story stayed away from romance in the beginning, and my heroine had the same feelings as I did and wasn't ready for a relationship. In fact, she still isn't sure. But, I did manage to create these two characters and they WILL end up together. Hear that you two? Of course I'm following their lead and when it's all over, maybe it won't even be a romance novel. My own feelings have a lot to do with this story and I'm trying to separate myself from them. I  know I can do it because I was really getting into the story and the romance part of it after all. It's nearly finished and I am still the boss, sort of.

My own life? I don't know where it's going as well as I know where theirs is going. I'm taking one day at a time, and being back to doing what I love helps me along the way as it is my biggest distraction right now. One day I'll be a whole person again and I'll be able to feel the sun upon my face and smile. It is a feeling of loss right now and a feeling like I've given up. I know I haven't given up, I've actually begun again. In time, my friends. For now I do what I can to survive and go on. Nano says to save editing for December. So at least now I know my December will be filled with distractions. Then comes January, a new year. Hopefully, it will be an acceptable new life too. Even if it is alone. Stay tuned, for I'm coming back to life slowly but surely.

Image from

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stressful Times

sad fairy It’s been a tough few months. A writer wants to write, loves to write, and needs to write. So, when there are things going on in our personal lives, the first thing to be affected is our writing. I speak for me, so maybe I shouldn’t say “WE” as in all writers. Personally, I can’t seem to get to my writing now. Many life changes are going on in my life, and my writing is suffering. I was so close to submitting my holiday themed novel. One more edit is all I was doing, but it’s so hard to write about romance now when it’s the last thing on my mind. So, for now my writing is on a hiatus.

I look at my document and I feel nothing. This is sad because it feels like something else is being taken away from me. My writing is important to me, and I don’t feel the like doing it right now. This will pass; I will be whole again and my writing will shine through again. This won’t last long because I know that I won’t go that long without doing it. It will call to me again. It will not look like a blank page when I open the document to edit. But, for now it hurts not to be able to do it.

If you come across this blog and wonder who is this Jade Rose Madison, please know that one day you will see that I blank_bookam not giving up, but I will be back at it soon enough. Back to writing my hot love stories for you. Please come back here and visit so you can see where my stories are, and you can always visit my WEBSITE too. I promise I’ll be back to writing soon. I promise.

A little eye candy while you wait. Picture this as the hero in my current WIP. Soon, you’ll meet him, just give me a little time.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Time Blues

Summer vacation is about over. In a matter of a few days it will be like it was never here, but I have some pleasant memories to keep me reminded of the hot summer nights, full moons, starry skies, and late nights of writing romance. One story is completed and nearly through it's second editing. Summer seems so short in Michigan. Winter is so long, blah! We complain about hot days and muggy nights, and with reason, but when it starts to fade into fall, it feels sad. Life changes in many ways. Coats come out of closets, windows get frosted, the shovel comes out, and we have to make sure the window scraper is in the car. But, for now, I choose to remain in summer mode.

Labor Day will soon be here and I have to return to work.   No more late nights and sleeping in. P.J.'s are traded for work attire. Writing for hours will turn to writing when I can get it in. (Although I am going to force myself to get a writing schedule.)

My writing plan is to finish editing my holiday themed story and submit it. My other erotic romance is still waiting and I'm telling you my characters in that story are getting stir crazy. After that I have a few other things to work on, ideas to put together, and see where I can go from there. Plus, I'm still doing some writing under my other name. I have a feeling more and more stories will be written by Jade.

This is enough updates for now. Last night was a very late night and an early morning and my eyes are telling me how tired they are. Please visit my website at Jade Rose Madison, Erotic Romance Powered by Hot Heroes and Sexy Heroines.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.