Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Wishes

In a week's time Christmas 2010 will be past. All our running around, planning, cooking, baking, and wrapping will be over, and then the days of returning will begin. The Holiday's for me are different this year. I live alone now but will be leaving tomorrow to visit family. I'm looking forward to spending time with people I love and who love me, but this year it just doesn't feel the same. This is a time for love, isn't it? I write it, but I don't necessarily live it--anymore. My imagination still lives in a world of love and  for a world filled with love.

What will 2011 bring? This year my life will take on many changes. Retirement from my day job is in my thoughts. Living in an area away from family is getting rough and I find myself homesick quite often. I have work friends and a few close friends I've made in the past six and a half years of being on this side of the state. But, it's not home. I have a safe haven and a good place to live, but it's not home. So, that means it's possible another move will be in my future. I'm tired of moving. I want to go home. See, homesick sneaks out sometimes. After being with family for over a week, I will be rejuvenated and ready to come back and start the new year. And, back to doing what I love--writing.

I wish you all a very happy holiday to celebrate in which ever way your do. Enjoy each day with your family and friends. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November's Chill


I just read my last post. Sounded kind of sad. It was truly hard. Still is sort of. The best part is I signed up for NaNoWriMo just before November 1st and I can proudly say I completed it last night. Yah for me! It's a romance, sensual romance. I'm an erotic romance writer but it's written under my sensual romance name so she wanted to keep it a little lighter. But, the point is, me the person behind both names actually sat down and wrote 50,149 words in less than 30 days. Before you jump all over me I know that it will take tons of editing, like for months or longer. The story isn't complete yet, but I know I will write at it like I did through this whole month.

Yes, it's been a tough month. That's exactly why I challenged myself to sign up to do this personal challenge. I am beginning a new life alone. What do I mean beginning? I've been living alone for over three years, but still shared my house with who used to be my life partner, my spouse. So, leaving only meant I was
living alone for real now. It's easier to live alone on your own than to live in a house with someone and still be alone. So, I knew this first month was going to be difficult in it's own sense and I took on Nano for that reason. It was a pleasant distraction and it got me back to writing. I developed a brand new hero and heroine and a brand new story. At first I couldn't get into the romance part. Sure, write a romance without getting into romance. I found my story stayed away from romance in the beginning, and my heroine had the same feelings as I did and wasn't ready for a relationship. In fact, she still isn't sure. But, I did manage to create these two characters and they WILL end up together. Hear that you two? Of course I'm following their lead and when it's all over, maybe it won't even be a romance novel. My own feelings have a lot to do with this story and I'm trying to separate myself from them. I  know I can do it because I was really getting into the story and the romance part of it after all. It's nearly finished and I am still the boss, sort of.

My own life? I don't know where it's going as well as I know where theirs is going. I'm taking one day at a time, and being back to doing what I love helps me along the way as it is my biggest distraction right now. One day I'll be a whole person again and I'll be able to feel the sun upon my face and smile. It is a feeling of loss right now and a feeling like I've given up. I know I haven't given up, I've actually begun again. In time, my friends. For now I do what I can to survive and go on. Nano says to save editing for December. So at least now I know my December will be filled with distractions. Then comes January, a new year. Hopefully, it will be an acceptable new life too. Even if it is alone. Stay tuned, for I'm coming back to life slowly but surely.

Image from

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stressful Times

sad fairy It’s been a tough few months. A writer wants to write, loves to write, and needs to write. So, when there are things going on in our personal lives, the first thing to be affected is our writing. I speak for me, so maybe I shouldn’t say “WE” as in all writers. Personally, I can’t seem to get to my writing now. Many life changes are going on in my life, and my writing is suffering. I was so close to submitting my holiday themed novel. One more edit is all I was doing, but it’s so hard to write about romance now when it’s the last thing on my mind. So, for now my writing is on a hiatus.

I look at my document and I feel nothing. This is sad because it feels like something else is being taken away from me. My writing is important to me, and I don’t feel the like doing it right now. This will pass; I will be whole again and my writing will shine through again. This won’t last long because I know that I won’t go that long without doing it. It will call to me again. It will not look like a blank page when I open the document to edit. But, for now it hurts not to be able to do it.

If you come across this blog and wonder who is this Jade Rose Madison, please know that one day you will see that I blank_bookam not giving up, but I will be back at it soon enough. Back to writing my hot love stories for you. Please come back here and visit so you can see where my stories are, and you can always visit my WEBSITE too. I promise I’ll be back to writing soon. I promise.

A little eye candy while you wait. Picture this as the hero in my current WIP. Soon, you’ll meet him, just give me a little time.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Time Blues

Summer vacation is about over. In a matter of a few days it will be like it was never here, but I have some pleasant memories to keep me reminded of the hot summer nights, full moons, starry skies, and late nights of writing romance. One story is completed and nearly through it's second editing. Summer seems so short in Michigan. Winter is so long, blah! We complain about hot days and muggy nights, and with reason, but when it starts to fade into fall, it feels sad. Life changes in many ways. Coats come out of closets, windows get frosted, the shovel comes out, and we have to make sure the window scraper is in the car. But, for now, I choose to remain in summer mode.

Labor Day will soon be here and I have to return to work.   No more late nights and sleeping in. P.J.'s are traded for work attire. Writing for hours will turn to writing when I can get it in. (Although I am going to force myself to get a writing schedule.)

My writing plan is to finish editing my holiday themed story and submit it. My other erotic romance is still waiting and I'm telling you my characters in that story are getting stir crazy. After that I have a few other things to work on, ideas to put together, and see where I can go from there. Plus, I'm still doing some writing under my other name. I have a feeling more and more stories will be written by Jade.

This is enough updates for now. Last night was a very late night and an early morning and my eyes are telling me how tired they are. Please visit my website at Jade Rose Madison, Erotic Romance Powered by Hot Heroes and Sexy Heroines.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Typing The End to a Novel

It felt like a long time coming because I put my holiday story on hold for so long. Now, with time running out for holiday submissions, I had to get it out. But, I finished it in rough draft, and have done a run through of editing. The major revising isn’t started yet, but I took advice a friend gave me on some things her editor looks for. And, I want to submit to her publishing company. 

When I’m near the end I get so excited. My fingers can’t seem to type fast enough, and the thoughts start pouring out to make the last little bit special for my characters and readers. I figure if I get emotional, or my characters get emotional, my readers will get emotional. So, even though I finished, I’m excited to go back and make sure loose ends are tied up. 

I had to create a time line so I could get my dates correct. Something big happens on Christmas Eve so I wanted to be sure to get all the days prior to that in the right order. It’s fun to do and see it all come together. I call editing the pleasure/pain part of writing. Many more ideas come along during the revision process and knowing what to cut and when is sometimes a challenge. We create these words and we don’t always want to cut them. On the other hand, sometimes there are words you can’t wait to cut; they never felt right from the beginning.

Oh, the photo of Coit Tower and the full moon? It's a scene from this book. Beautiful and awesome because I actually saw this scene on a trip to San Francisco. I was there in the beginning of December that year. A sight I will always remember.
Now it’s time to get back to editing.  

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heated Love Scenes in the Summer

Jade Rose Madison The blog has nothing on it at this point to make it adult rated, so even though the title says Erotic Love Stories, it is safe to read anything on this blog right now. When that changes, this blog will be labeled adult only, but for now it is safe to read for anyone.

Summer heat is nearly upon us.  Living in the city in the summer can be scorching!  There are not that many tress for shade either.  Finding a cool spot can be impossible, and when I'm writing my heated love scenes, I definitely want to be cool.   A nice glass of cold, ice cube filled lemonade hits the spot, and it helps to sip between scenes.  You know, just to cool me down a bit.  I enjoy sitting in a park and writing with my laptop.  This summer I am going to sit at the beach and write.  Maybe I'll have some new inspirations!  

I love writing hot love scenes.  Someone asked me yesterday where I get my ideas, and then asked if it's from things I have done, or want to do.  Neither is true.  The ideas just come from within.  I have tried to explain many times that writers have all these ideas tucked away and they come out when we need them, hopefully.  Speaking for myself, I have no idea where this stuff comes from.  I've heard other writers say the same thing.  Lots of ideas come from just living life, that part is true, but because I write about a character's fantasies it doesn't mean it's my fantasy, all the time.  *blushing*  Okay, maybe sometimes it is. 

I'm working on my holiday story now, and it's near completion in the first draft. Once at the end, I can go back and revise.  I like to write what is on my mind and then I can delete or expand later.  I love this story, mainly because it takes place in San Francisco and that's my favorite city anyway.  It's easy to describe the places I've seen and the emotions or thoughts that go along with it.  When finished, I will submit to an ePublisher.  Time is running out for meeting holiday deadlines.  So, I have to get busy and finish, which I plan on doing today, if I can find a nice cool place to finish the most important love scene in the whole book! 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

NOTE:  This blog has nothing on it at this point to make it adult rated, so even though the title says Erotic Love Stories, it is safe to read anything on this blog right now. When that changes, this blog will be labeled adult only, but for now it is safe to read for anyone.

In December I put a Christmas story on hold because I knew it missed all the deadlines for submissions.  I thought I would go ahead and finish it and set it aside until it was time for this Christmas.  Well, that time is now upon me.  One publisher that I checked with has June 1st as a deadline for Christmas Romances.  Needless to say, I didn't finish it in December when I wanted to.  I got busy on my other current work in progress and kind of forgot about the other one.

I opened it up the other day and started reading it so I could catch up with the story and finish it.  It's almost to the end in first draft.  So, my dilemma now is to either get to it and try to get it written, edited, and revised, or not worry about it right now, and continue with my current one.  The Christmas story would have to be sent to an editor because this publisher wants near perfection, and if I'm finishing it in a hurry, I want to make sure it's near perfect when I submit.  So, therein lies my dilemma.   I have two editor friends, but I don't even know if they have time to fit a new book in.

I have searched other publisher websites and didn't find anything about submitting for the Christmas season.  Maybe they will put out a call for submissions, and I will still have time.   I'm the only one who can make this decision.  It wouldn't be bad to make this decision, but it only piles on top of all the other decisions I have to make at this point in my life.  In the meantime, I'm definitely working on making these decisions and then following through.  I'm not a quitter, so one way or another, one of these stories will be completed shortly.  

Visit my website to see what is going on.  

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Beautiful Day for Anything

(Anything on this blog is safe to read at this point in time.  When that changes, this blog will be labeled Adult and you will have to be over 18, but for now, everything is safe to read.) 

It's a pretty day today.  Looking out over the city makes me yearn to get out and walk.  I just might do that.  It gives me time to clear my mind of all my worries, and to think of good things.  It's good for my soul and my body. 

After the walk, my afternoon will be spent writing.  As I said in the previous post, my story is at a turning point, and I have to decide what to do.  I have half way decided, and I'm going to start writing with my first decision and see where it goes.  I see no reason why I can't have it both ways.  I think it's what my characters want.  After all, my blog is called erotic love stories powered by hot heroes and sexy heroines, so I guess they can guide me in writing this part.  I read a blog by another author who pretended to be the character and wanting her author to find her and get back to the story.  That was so cute.  I wish I could remember where it was and I'd add it here.  Maybe it was a facebook profile.  Yes, that's what it was. 

Anyway, the sunshine is calling me and it's time to put on my sneakers and hit the path.  I'll be thinking of more details for my hot story.  Yes, it's very hot.  Maybe hotter than you can handle?  Want to find out?  All I need is to finish this and then find a publisher.  Ugh, the hard part.  But, it will happen.  It happened twice before, and I know it will happen again. I'm so happy to be writing in this new genre.  More later! 

Till we meet again...  Keep smiling.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Scotland, Chapter 19, Short Story, Oh My!

I'm so excited to be nearing the end of Chapter 19 in my Work in Progress. It's flowing like I want it to, and I'm thrilled about that. I'm at a turning point in the story, and I'm waiting for my characters to tell me what they want to do. Okay, this might sound foolish to someone seeing or hearing that if they aren't writers. But, yes, often times our characters write their stories. Many times there will be a part that I write, but my characters tell me, through the words and the way the story moves, that they want to do it this way or that way. It sounds weird, I know.

I've done a little research for this book, like Scotland! And, I've researched different wines to go with certain desserts. I love researching, but it's easy to get distracted, which happens a lot. You know with the internet, one thing leads to another. It's been fun, and I learned some interesting things about Scotland, and then that went off on other things like tartans, cities, environment, and the people. My hero is from Scotland, so I have to learn enough to make my story real. More research is needed for the government and I'm getting to the point where I have to stop and do it.

Research is important for writers. We are always told to write what we know. My thought is if I don't know it I have to research it until I can write it like I know it. You Tube and Google Earth make it so easy. I can watch video's, and I can use Google Earth to see a lot of the terrain. If you're a writer, I know you use these tools. People who aren't writers use these as research, but probably don't even realize that's what they're doing. When I started writing, I didn't have the internet at my fingertips, and I used the library all the time, and it was so time consuming, but I did it.

I'll keep you posted on how this story is moving along. I can't wait to get it finished!

I wrote a short, short story to post on my website, but the thing is, I'm not sure I want that story to end where it ended. There might be more to add to that story. So, right now, that is my dilemma. I so want to add it so you can get a sample of what I write. Keep in mind that I write erotic romance, so it is adult rated due to sexual content. I'll make sure you are the first to know when I post it, or continue it.

Till the next time, I'll be thinking about you all!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

OMG! The other night I thought I lost some of the pages in my manuscript in Word. Shortly after freaking out and then screaming I realized it was all backed up on a flash drive and everything was good. It was my own fault because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I think I accidently dragged the mouse over part of what I couldn't see above the screen view, and when I hit delete on the one word I wanted deleted, the whole section went with it! I was so scared. Be more careful, I told myself.

It’s not the first time I’ve lost some of my writing. Oh, no… Once I lost a whole first chapter. That wasn’t backed up, in fact, it was before flash drives, thumb drives, or online storage was invented! When I rewrote it, it actually turned out better than the first attempt. Whew, that was lucky. Before that I lost a total completed manuscript. It was printed out in hard copy, but I had to retype it all back in my computer. Can you imagine how long that took? The only good thing about that was it was easy to edit and revise as I went along. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! It was a horrible thing to go through.

A writer losing words is like losing a limb. Editing and revising is so difficult for us because we have to get rid of words. Our words put together to create more words, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. I never want to lose words again, but I probably will. The only thing to do is make sure to back up everything I write, and I would issue that warning to you also. Back up, back up, save, save….


Writing erotic novels isn't new to me. So, even though I'm not a familiar name to you yet, I plan on making a statement in the erotica genre. Not having anything published yet, doesn't mean I haven't been writing, for I have published romance novels under a different name, but I keep her separate from me. I've many stories to write, and I plan on posting some free reads on my website to keep you occupied until my current work in progress gets published. Come on back often and see what I have in store for my friends and readers.

In fact, I have a short, short finished, but it turned out so good, I might just turn it into something longer. My heart is already bursting at the seams over this one, expecially when I talk about my heroine sitting in a quaint little restaurant ready to have an orgasm just over the touch of the handsome waiter's hand. But you don't know this waiter. My God, he's hot! And guess what? He asked her for a date. She accepted!

Stop back and see what happened on my characters first date. I can hardly wait for you to read it! I must stop writing in my blog right now because the thought of that hot hunk serving her hot chocolate just drives me nuts! *wink*

Please check out my website and look under the link to Works in Progress to see more works including my full length novel in progress.