Summer vacation is about over. In a matter of a few days it will be like it was never here, but I have some pleasant memories to keep me reminded of the hot summer nights, full moons, starry skies, and late nights of writing romance. One story is completed and nearly through it's second editing. Summer seems so short in Michigan. Winter is so long, blah! We complain about hot days and muggy nights, and with reason, but when it starts to fade into fall, it feels sad. Life changes in many ways. Coats come out of closets, windows get frosted, the shovel comes out, and we have to make sure the window scraper is in the car. But, for now, I choose to remain in summer mode.
Labor Day will soon be here and I have to return to work. No more late nights and sleeping in. P.J.'s are traded for work attire. Writing for hours will turn to writing when I can get it in. (Although I am going to force myself to get a writing schedule.)
My writing plan is to finish editing my holiday themed story and submit it. My other erotic romance is still waiting and I'm telling you my characters in that story are getting stir crazy. After that I have a few other things to work on, ideas to put together, and see where I can go from there. Plus, I'm still doing some writing under my other name. I have a feeling more and more stories will be written by Jade.

This is enough updates for now. Last night was a very late night and an early morning and my eyes are telling me how tired they are. Please visit my website at
Jade Rose Madison, Erotic Romance Powered by Hot Heroes and Sexy Heroines.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.