It’s been a tough few months. A writer wants to write, loves to write, and needs to write. So, when there are things going on in our personal lives, the first thing to be affected is our writing. I speak for me, so maybe I shouldn’t say “WE” as in all writers. Personally, I can’t seem to get to my writing now. Many life changes are going on in my life, and my writing is suffering. I was so close to submitting my holiday themed novel. One more edit is all I was doing, but it’s so hard to write about romance now when it’s the last thing on my mind. So, for now my writing is on a hiatus.
I look at my document and I feel nothing. This is sad because it feels like something else is being taken away from me. My writing is important to me, and I don’t feel the like doing it right now. This will pass; I will be whole again and my writing will shine through again. This won’t last long because I know that I won’t go that long without doing it. It will call to me again. It will
not look like a blank page when I open the document to edit. But, for now it hurts not to be able to do it.
If you come across this blog and wonder who is this Jade Rose Madison, please know that one day you will see that I

am not giving up, but I will be back at it soon enough. Back to writing my hot love stories for
you. Please come back here and visit so you can see where my stories are, and you can always visit my
WEBSITE too. I promise I’ll be back to writing soon. I promise.
A little eye candy while you wait. Picture this as the hero in my current WIP. Soon, you’ll meet him, just give me a little time.
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jade rose madison,
work in progress